How to remove search suggestions Chrome Android
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How to remove search suggestions Chrome Android

How to remove search suggestions Chrome Android

If you’re using Chrome on your Android device and want to remove search suggestions that appear when you type in the search bar, there are a few different methods you can try. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Turn off search suggestions: Open Chrome, tap the three-dot menu icon in the top right corner, select “Settings,” then “Sync and Google services,” and toggle off “Autocomplete searches and URLs.” This will disable search suggestions for all Google services on your device.
  2. Clear browsing history: If you don’t want to disable search suggestions entirely, you can try clearing your browsing history. This will remove any saved search suggestions and prevent them from appearing in the future. To do this, open Chrome, tap the three-dot menu icon, select “History,” then tap “Clear browsing data.” From here, select the time range you want to clear (e.g. “All time”), and make sure “Browsing history” is selected. Tap “Clear data” to confirm.
  3. Delete individual suggestions: If you only want to remove certain search suggestions, you can do so by long-pressing on the suggestion you want to delete, then tapping “Remove” when the option appears. Keep in mind that this will only remove the individual suggestion, and it may reappear in the future.
  4. Disable Google app suggestions: If you’re seeing search suggestions in the Google app rather than Chrome, you can disable them by opening the Google app, tapping the three-line menu icon in the top left corner, selecting “Settings,” then “Autocomplete.” From here, toggle off “Autocomplete searches and URLs.”

By using one or more of these methods, you can remove or disable search suggestions in Chrome on your Android device.


  1. Can I remove search suggestions for specific websites? Unfortunately, there is no way to remove search suggestions for individual websites in Chrome. You can only disable them for all Google services or clear your browsing history to remove all suggestions.
  2. Will disabling search suggestions affect my search results? No, disabling search suggestions only affects the suggestions that appear when you type in the search bar. Your search results will not be affected.
  3. How do I turn search suggestions back on if I’ve disabled them? To turn search suggestions back on, simply follow the steps to disable them and toggle the option back on.
  4. Will clearing my browsing history delete all of my saved data? Clearing your browsing history will only remove your history, cache, and cookies. Your bookmarks, passwords, and other saved data will not be affected.
  5. Why do search suggestions sometimes show up even when I’ve disabled them? Search suggestions may still appear if you have enabled predictive text on your device. To disable predictive text, go to your device’s settings, select “Language and input,” then “Keyboard settings,” and toggle off “Predictive text.”
  6. How do I delete all of my search suggestions at once? Unfortunately, there is no way to delete all of your search suggestions at once. You can only delete them individually or clear your browsing history.
  7. Will disabling search suggestions improve my device’s performance? Disabling search suggestions may slightly improve your device’s performance, as it will reduce the amount of data that needs to be loaded when you use Chrome.
  8. Can I remove search suggestions on desktop Chrome? Yes, you can disable search suggestions on desktop Chrome by going to the Chrome settings menu and selecting “Privacy and security,” then toggling off “Use a prediction service to help complete searches and URLs.”
  9. Can I remove search suggestions in other browsers? The process for removing search suggestions may vary depending on the browser you are using. Check your browser’s settings or help documentation for more information.
  10. Will disabling search suggestions affect my Google Assistant? Disabling search suggestions should not affect your Google Assistant, as it uses a separate search algorithm. However, if you have “Web & App Activity” enabled in your Google account settings, your Assistant may still use your search history to make suggestions.


Search suggestions can be a helpful tool for quickly finding what you’re looking for, but they can also be intrusive or distracting. By following these steps, you can easily remove or disable search suggestions in Chrome on your Android device. Whether you choose to turn them off entirely or just clear your browsing history, you can enjoy a more streamlined search experience that puts you in control.

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